Below you can find an (incomplete) list of public presentations and publications:
- 2022
- Moderation Workshops “Open Access/OER”
- 2021
- [external Link to “youtube” video] NEC Software Solutions India Publishing Technology Conference: “Collaboration in Publishing” (with Bridget Pairaudeau, Helen King, Adam Hyde)
- ConTech Roundtable: “Reimagining Publishing : Content Production Simplified” (together with Gayathri Doraiswami, Ian Mulvany, Adam Hyde, Helen King)
- 2020
- NISO Webinar/Roundtable: “NFAIS Forethought: Cybersecurity: Protecting Your Internal Systems” (together with Daniel Ayala, Blake Carver, Becky Yoose, Hong Ma, Wayne Strickland)
- [external Link to “youtube” video] NEC Software Solutions India Publishing Technology Conference: “Lessons Learned – what did we and our organizations learn from the last year?” (with Bridget Pairaudeau, David Smith, Tasha Mellins-Cohen)
- [external Link to “youtube” video] CrossMediaForum: “Content Management bei Reguvis: autorenfreundlich und effizient” (together with Johnny Ochaya, Mario Kandler, Gregor Siebert)
- Presentation Mediacampus Frankfurt: “Content Management Systeme in Verlagen”
- Presentation HTWK Leipzig: “Content Management Systeme in Verlagen”
- 2019
- digital publishing report (dpr) Webinar: Foundations and Applications of AI in Publishing. (together with David Smith) (link to PDF)
- CrossMediaForum: “Innovative Ansätze beim Cross Media Publishing – ein Überblick”
- [external Link to “youtube” video] NEC Software Solutions India Publishing Technology Conference: “My Niece can Build This on the Weekend!” How Do You Calculate and Explain Risk, Cost, and Complexity?” (together with Sarah Boyd, Ove Kähler, Stewart Love)
- Presentation Börsenverein des Deutschen Buchhandels, Berlin-Brandenburg: “Impulsvortrag Open Access”
- Presentation Jahrestagung der IG Digital: “Künstliche Intelligenz? (Don‘t) believe the hype”
- Presentation FTEP Beck’sche: “Künstliche Intelligenz? (Don‘t) believe the hype”
- Webinar “Künstliche Intelligenz? (Don‘t) believe the hype”
- Presentation FuturePublish: “Künstliche Intelligenz? (Don‘t) believe the hype”
- 2018
- [external Link to “youtube” video] NEC Software Solutions India Publishing Technology Conference: “Applications of Blockchains in Publishing” (together with Linsey Haire, Louise Russell, Joris van Rossum, Ian Mulvany)
- Hajo Hoffmann, Christian Kohl: KI-Report 2018. Marktüberblick zum Einsatz von künstlicher Intelligenz in Medien und Publishing. Eine Übersicht zum Angebot im deutschsprachigen Raum. (German language only)
- CrossMediaForum: “Bessere Mehrfachverwertung von Content durch automatisierte Metadatenvergabe: Chancen, technische Umsetzung, Fallbeispiele”
- dpr/Buchreport Webinar “So führen Sie erfolgreich ein CRM ein” (together with Ehrhardt Heinold)
- Presentation Markupforum: “Beispiele aus der Verlagsbranche, in denen Verfahren, die zumindest teilweise aus dem Bereich „KI“ stammen, zum Einsatz kommen”
- Presentation Barcamp KI
- Roundtable, IT Konferenz, Akademie der Deutschen Medien: “CMS – Lessons Learned”
- Presentation and Panel Discussion, London Bookfair: “OpenAccess – Redirecting Value”
- 2017
- [external Link to “youtube” video] NEC Software Solutions India Publishing Technology Conference: “AI in Publishing: Applications, Potentials, and Constraints” (together with Christopher Marker, Daniel Ecer, Ian Mulvany, Prabhash Shrestha)
- Society for Scholarly Publishing, 39th Annual Meeting: “A Long-Standing Promise Finally Fulfilled? Bots, Agents, etc. – Artificial Intelligence on the Rise” (together with David Smith)
- CrossMediaForum: “Vorbild Devops: Verlagsprodukte wie Softwareprodukte entwickeln”
- Webinar: “eLibraries für Wissenschaftliche Bibliotheken”
- Presentation Akademie der Deutschen Medien, Forum Loseblattwerke: “Digitales Projektmanagement”
- Presentation Adesso Medientag: “Wundermittel DevOps?”
- 2016
- Society for Scholarly Publishing, 38th Annual Meeting: “Cybersecurity and the Scholarly World” (together with David Smith, Peter Katz, Rick Anderson)
- CrossMediaForum: “Unklarheiten überall, oder: Warum CMS-Projekte ihre Ziele verfehlen (und wie Sie das verhindern können)”
- Rave Technologies Publishing Conference: “Competitors as partners and service providers – blessing or curse?”
- London Bookfair: “Platform Wars: The Scholarly Journal in a Changing World” (together with Ian Mulvany, Alexander Grossmann, Ciaran O’Neill)
- Presentation HTWK Leipzig: “Content Management Systeme im Verlagswesen”
- Presentation PMI Chapter Berlin: “Projektmanagement im Verlagswesen”
- Buchreport Spezial 05, “Management Produktion”: “Der richtige Speicher für schwach strukturierte Daten”
- 2015
- STM Digital Publishing 2015: “The Future of Platform Wars: Is this where STM Publishers should be focusing?” (together with James Walker, Freddie Quek, John Sack)
- STM Innovations Seminar: “Cyber Security: How to protect our platforms against …….” (together with David Smith, James Walker, Freddie Quek)
- CrossMediaForum: “Crossmedia-Publishing mit NoSQL-Techniken: Möglichkeiten, Einsatzszenarien, Bewertung”
- Rave Technologies Publishing Conference: “No Pain, No Gain – How a Small Publisher Struggles with Innovation and Digital Transformations”
- 2014
- Presentation Rave Technologies Publishing Conference: “Start Small with Big Data”
- Presentation Buchtage Berlin: “The Good, the Bad, and the Agile”
- 2013
- Presentation MarkLogic World: “Consolidating Content is King to Meeting Business Objectives”
- 2012
- Presentation MarkLogic World: “Building a Content and E-Commerce Platform on top of MarkLogic”
- Presentation Publishers’ Forum, CEO Lounge: “Wissenschaftsverlage in der digitalen Welt”
- Presentation Publishers’ Forum: “Integrating Web Frontend and Publishing Back office” (together with Gregor Wolf)
- 2011
- CrossMediaForum: “Hyperdistribution durch Systemintegration: Wie de Gruyter CMS, CRM und ERP integriert”
- Presentation Frankfurt Metadata Conference: “Integrating Web Frontend and Publishing Back office” (together with Gregor Wolf)